Jack Ung Near the Top

Aug 19, 2023

Justin Chu is no longer involved on Day 1c and Jack Ung is the far biggest stack on his former table.

Christopher Mateo is sticking around there, too, as he bets out Kai Yang on the Club ADiamond 9Heart 8Diamond 10Diamond J river for 18,000 into 26,500 as Yang folds.

Yi Hing Cheng then doubles through Graeme Siow with Spade KClub Q for the king-high flush on a Spade JSpade 10Spade 3Spade 2Club 10 board.

Jack Ung – 370,000
Christopher Mateo – 63,000
Kai Yang – 55,000
Yi Hing Cheng – 45,000
Graeme Siow – 25,000
Justin Chu – Eliminated

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