Down to 44 Players and on the Bubble

Aug 17, 2023

Seung Hun “Manny” Ko

From one minute to the other, the number of hopefuls is first reduced to 48 and then 47. Suddenly, this becomes 44 and another table breaks while the dealers are instructed to wait upon completion of their current hand.

Hon Cheong Lee is involved in one of them as he faces the shove by Seung Hun “Manny” Ko on the Spade ASpade 7Spade 6Club JDiamond 10 river with some 55,000 behind. Lee tank-calls with Club ADiamond Q but it is no good, as Ko’s Spade KSpade Q is the flopped nuts.

One table over, Jin Quanx Shu leans on the felt as he is forced all-in from the big blind. Vincent Salaun bets the Club 10Heart 7Heart 3 flop to isolate.

Jin Quanx Shu: Spade JClub 7
Vincent Salaun: Diamond QHeart Q

Turn Diamond 4 and river Heart 9 bring another two knockouts. For each hand from now, two minutes are deducted from the clock on the exact money bubble.

Seung Hun Ko – 500,000
Vincent Salaun – 200,000
Hon Cheong Lee – Eliminated
Jin Quanx Shu – Eliminated

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