Hands #134-138: Samy Boujmala Sails into a Double

Aug 6, 2023

Samy Boujmala - Loic Menneteau

HAND #134: Samy Boujmala shoves 2,500,000 with Spade KSpade 7 and Loic Menneteau folds.

HAND #135: Menneteau opens to 450,000 with Diamond 3Club 2 and Boujmala calls with Diamond QSpade 8, bringing the Spade 7Diamond 6Diamond 5 flop.

Boujmala checks his action, Menneteau bets 350,000 and Boujmala check-raises to 700,000. Menneteau folds.

HAND #136: Boujmala completes his small blind, holding Diamond KHeart 5 and Menneteau raises to 550,000 with a pair of kings. Boujmala folds.

HAND #137: Menneteau opens to 450,000 with Heart AClub 2 and Boujmala defends, having Club QHeart 9 in his hand.

The dealer spreads Spade AHeart JDiamond 2 on the felt, Menneteau continues for 300,000 and Boujmala calls to see a Spade 6 fall.

Menneteau bets 450,000 on the turn and Boujmala folds.

HAND #138: Boujmala looks down at Spade 4Club 4 and shoves 2,500,000. Menneteau calls with Diamond AClub 8 and Boujmala is at risk.

The Diamond KClub 10Diamond 9 flop lands and Boujmala is in the lead with his sailboats. The Club 2Spade 9 runout seals it for Boujmala for a double, bridging the gap.

Samy Boujmala – 5,200,000 (26 bb)
Loic Menneteau – 8,500,000 (42 bb)

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