Hands #111-118: Loic Menneteau Takes the Lead

Aug 6, 2023

HAND #111: Samy Boujmala opens to 250,000 Spade QHeart 10 and Lioc Menneteau folds.

HAND #112: Boujmala receives a walk in the big blind.

HAND #113: Boujmala raises to 250,000 with Diamond KClub 3 and Menneteau calls, holding Heart 10Heart 5. The Heart AClub 7Spade 6 flop lands, Boujmala continues and Menneteau folds.

HAND #114: Menneteau opens with Club KHeart 10 for 375,000 and Boujmala defends, holding Club QClub 6. The flop falls Heart 8Diamond 5Club 2 and Menneteau bets 250,000.

Boujmala check-raises to 750,000 and Menneteau releases his cards, sending the chips to Boujmala.

HAND #115: Boujmala limps Heart QClub 9 and Menneteau checks his option with Club 4Club 2. The flop comes Club JClub 7Spade 5, Menneteau bets 150,000 and Boujmala calls.

The Diamond 6 lands, giving Menneteau a straight draw to go with his flush draw and he bets 500,000. Boujmala folds.

HAND #116: Menneteau opens Heart JClub 7 and Boujmala defends with Diamond QClub 9 to see the Club JDiamond 10Heart 7 flop.

The action checks to Menneteau, he bets 450,000 and Boujmala check-calls. A Club 4 turn lands and action falls to Menneteau who bets 1,100,000. Boujmala folds.

HAND #117: Boujmala opens the button and Menneteau folds.

HAND #118: Menneteau chucks Diamond 9Spade 4 into the muck and Boujmala pulls in a walk.

Loic Menneteau – 7,000,000 (56 bb)
Samy Boujmala – 6,800,000 (54 bb)

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