Hands #90-94: Cooler Evens Out the Playing Field

Aug 6, 2023

Samy Boujmala

HAND #90: Loic Menneteau limps Club QDiamond 7, Samy Boujmala checks Diamond 8Club 5 and the flop falls Spade ADiamond 6Diamond 4. Boujmala leads 200,000 and Menneteau folds.

HAND #91: Menneteau receives a walk in the big blind.

HAND #92: Menneteau limps Spade 10Club 7, Boujmala checks Diamond ADiamond 7 and the Spade KHeart 9Heart 4 flop lands.

Boujmala check-calls 150,000 to see the Spade 3 turn where both check. An Diamond 8 river completes the board, both check and Boujmala takes down the pot.

HAND #93: Boujmala opens with Spade KHeart 5 to 200,000 and Menneteau folds.

HAND #94: Menneteau limps the button with Diamond 10Heart 9, Boujmala raises to 400,000, holding Diamond 6Diamond 5 and Menneteau calls.

The dealer fans out Spade JDiamond 8Heart 7, flopping a straight for Menneteau who bets 400,000. Boujmala calls and the unlikely Diamond 4 hits as a turn card to give Boujmala the lower straight.

Menneteau best 1,000,000, Boujmala shoves and Menneteau calls his 2,500,000 into the pot. Boujmala needs a diamond or Menneteau will earn a double.

The Heart 4 lands as a river and Menneteau pulls in a double with a cooler of an exchange during heads-up play.

Samy Boujmala – 7,100,000 (71 bb)
Loic Menneteau – 6,600,000 (66 bb)

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