Loic Menneteau Doubles Through Egemen Orhan

Aug 5, 2023

Loic Menneteau

It’s heads up on a board of Spade 6Club 6Spade 3Club 7 with around 900,000 in the pot. Action is on Loic Menneteau (pictured) in the small blind who bets 425,000. 

Egeman Orhan calls from middle position. 

The river is the Spade 2, and Menneteau shoves for 855,000 and Orhan snap calls. 

Menneteau turns over Spade KSpade J for a rivered flush to beat Orhan’s Club 5Club 4 straight and take the chip lead.

Loic Menneteau – 2,950,000 (118 bb)
Egemen Orhan – 230,000 (9 bb)

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