Cedric Chevalme Eliminated by Yannick Chambon in 16th Place ($4,796)

Aug 5, 2023

Cedric Chevalme

Yannick Chambon opens the button, Cedric Chevalme (pictured) defends his big blind and the dealer spreads Spade KClub 9Club 6 on the felt. Chevalme puts his last 115,000 into the pot and Chambon hooks him up with a showdown.

Chevalme tables Club 8Diamond 7 and needs to find some love when Chambon shows Diamond AClub A. The Club 4Diamond 8 are of no help to Chevalme who falls versus the rockets of Chambon.

Yannick Chambon – 1,050,000 (53 bb)
Cedric Chevalme – Eliminated in 16th Place for $4,796

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