Koen De Visscher Takes Back from Egemen Orhan

Aug 4, 2023

Koen De Visscher

The flop reads Club KClub 10Heart 9 and Koen De Visscher gets the rest of his 60,000 stack into the middle versus Egemen Orhan.

Visscher shows Heart AClub A but is trailing the Heart 10Diamond 9 of Orhan who flopped two pair. Instantly the tides turn when a Diamond K hits the felt, shifting the lead to Visscher.

A board-filling Heart 7 river puts a nail in the coffin, shipping a double over to Visscher who turned a better two.

Koen De Visscher – 165,000 (28 bb)
Egemen Orhan – 210,000 (35 bb)

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