Ivan Luca Vavassori Eliminated by Malik Hebidi

Aug 3, 2023

Ivan Luca Vavassori

Cedric Chevalme opens from middle position and Malik Hebidi shoves from the button for around 55,000. 

Ivan Luca Vavassori (pictured) calls all in with a similar stack and Chevalme gets out of the way. 

Hebidi tables Spade QHeart Q and is out in front against Vavassori’s Spade ADiamond Q

The board comes Club QDiamond 5Spade 2Diamond 8Club 6 and Hebidi ends up with a set of queens to eliminate Vavassori.

 Malik Hebidi – 130,000 (26 bb)
Ivan Luca Vavassori – Eliminated 

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