Alexandre Doyer Continues to Plummet

Aug 2, 2023

Alexandre Doyer

Gabriel Guardiola opens to 5,000 and is met with a three-bet of 18,500 by Alexandre Doyer. Guardiola four-bet rips 94,500 into the middle and Doyer snaps it off.

Gabriel Guardiola: Heart AClub A
Alexandre Doyer: Spade AHeart K

The cooler finds Doyer in a tough spot and the Heart QDiamond QDiamond 9 brings little to optimism. A Club 2 turn and Diamond J river cement it for Guardiola who spins up near the top as Doyer drops below average.

Gabriel Guardiola – 193,000 (77 bb)
Alexandre Doyer – 82,000 (33 bb)

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