Chongxian Yang Falls to Set Up Final Table

Jul 23, 2023

Chongxian Yang

Chongxian Yang moves all in for roughly 140,000 and David Yan is there to throw in some chips, having slightly less.

David Yan: Heart ASpade J
Chongxian Yang: Heart KClub 9

The board falls Spade 10Heart 7Club 5Heart 2Diamond 7 and Yan takes down the pot with ace high, leaving Xiao short.

On the next hand Yan opens, Yang puts in his last 16,000 and Daniel Merrilees calls for a three-way pot. The board comes Diamond 9Spade 2Spade 5Heart 6Diamond 10 and Yan calls a river bet by Merrilees who rolls over a missed straight.

Yan shows his Heart ADiamond 9 and scoops in both pots, finishing off Yang as the final table of nine has been reached.

David Yan – 393,000 (39 bb)
Daniel Merrilees – 368,000 (37 bb)

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