Mondalo Jun Eliminated in 19th Place by Zhu Hong ($13,589)

Jul 21, 2023

Mondalo Jun & Zhu HongMondalo Jun and Zhu Hong

Mondalo Jun moves all in from the cutoff for 825,000 with Club 6Spade 6. Zhu Hong is on the button with Diamond 8Club 8 and thinks for a couple of minutes before moving in as well for 1,680,000.

Valeriy Pak wakes up in the big blind with Heart ASpade K. He has 1,800,000 in his stack and after a couple of minutes of thought himself, elects to fold.

The dealer runs out a board of Heart KClub 5Spade 4Club 7Heart J, keeping Hong’s eights ahead to send Jun to the rail in 19th place.

Zhu Hong – 2,400,000 (40 bb)
Mondalo Jun – eliminated

Mondalo Jun & Zhu Hong

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