Valeriy Pak Takes His Chances vs. Shi Xiao Qin

Jul 20, 2023

Valeriy Pak _WPT Korea S21_Main Event_Day 1B_Giron_JG80729_1

Shi Xiao Qin shoves from under the gun for roughly 110,000 and Valeriy Pak is the lone caller, putting Qin at risk as the cards slide over.

Shi Xiao Qin: Spade QSpade J
Valeriy Pak: Spade AClub 10

The flop falls Heart JClub 5Diamond 3 and Qin lands a lead-changing johnnie. The Heart 10 turn gives Pak a few more outs and unfortunately for qin, the Diamond 10 was one of them, ending his night.

Valeriy Pak – 455,000 (57 bb)
Shi Xiao Qin – Eliminated

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