Ducks Fade for Bin Sun

Jul 17, 2023

The flop reads Diamond 5Heart 4Diamond 3 between Joon Ko Hyo and Bin Sun, with roughly 11,200 in the pot. Hyo taps to Sun who bets 5,200 and Hyo quickly check-shoves with the covering stack.

Sun hits the tank but in the end, he elects to call for his 25,200 stack and the cards are turned. Sun shows Spade 2Club 2 and will need to fade a large chunk of the deck when Hyo tables Diamond KDiamond 6.

The Club 4 turn and Heart 2 river completes the board as Sun survives with his boat to double through Hyo.

Bin Sun – 62,000 (78 bb)
Joon Ko Hyo – 68,000 (85 bb)

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