Cary Katz Doubles Thru Jonathan Jaffe

Jul 15, 2023

After a flop of Club JSpade 8Heart 7, Taylor von Kriegenbergh checks the small blind, Cary Katz checks the big blind, and Jonathan Jaffe bets 40,000 from the button. Von Kriegenbergh and Katz both call.

The turn card is the Club 6, and Von Kriegenbergh bets 80,000. Katz calls, and Jaffe thinks for a while before he raises to 300,000. Von Kriegenbergh folds, and Katz uses several Time Chips to tank for a while before he calls all in for 245,000 with Club 10Club 3 for a gutshot straight draw with a club flush draw.

Jaffe turns over Heart 9Diamond 6 for a pair of sixes with an open-ended straight draw, and Katz needs to improve to stay alive.

The river card is the Club 8, and Von Kriegenbergh wins the pot with his club flush to double up in chips.

Cary Katz  –  790,000  (53 bb)
Jonathan Jaffe  –  2,560,000  (171 bb)

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