Hand #118: Kai Chang Takes 3.5M Pot From Joe Nguyen

Mar 8, 2013

Joe Nguyen raises from the dead button to 175,000, and Kai Chang calls from the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of [QhQc8c4c], Chang checks, Nguyen bets 225,000, and Chang calls.

The river double-pairs the board with the [4h], Chang checks, Nguyen bets 325,000, and Chang tanks for nearly a minute before check-raising to 825,000.

Nguyen thinks for about 30 seconds before min-reraising it to 1,325,000. Chang thinks for nearly a minute before he four-bets it to 2,325,000, and Nguyen quickly folds.

Kai Chang shows [KcJc] for what is effectively a bluff as he collects the pot.

Seat 1.  Joe Nguyen  –  8,620,000
Seat 4.  Paul Volpe  –  3,010,000
Seat 5.  Kai Chang  –  7,665,000

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