Chris Tan Eliminated in 31st Place ($22,670)

Mar 7, 2013

Gordon Vayo raises from the hijack to 23,000, and Chris Tan moves all in from the cutoff for 32,000. Joe Kuether calls from the big blind, and Vayo calls. Any further betting will create a side pot between Vayo and Kuether.

The flop comes [10s9c6h], Kuether checks, Vayo bets 40,000, and Kuether calls. The turn is the [8s], Kuether bets 60,000, and Vayo folds. Kuether takes the side pot.

Tan turns over [AsKd] for ace high, but Kuether shows [Qs10c] for a pair of tens with a queen-high gutshot straight draw. (There is also a ten-high gutshot straight draw on the board — a seven would chop the pot.)

The river is the [Qd], and Kuether wins the pot with two pair to eliminate Tan from the tournament.

Joe Kuether  –  660,000  (66 bb)
Chris Tan  –  Out in 31st Place ($22,670)

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