Fernando Zavadniak Eliminated in 41st Place by Roman Stoica

Jun 10, 2023

Roman Stoica
Photo:  Roman Stoica

Fernando Zavadniak moves all in from the small blind for 210,000, and Roman Stoica calls from the big blind with Heart KDiamond J. Zavadniak turns over Spade QClub 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 9Spade 6Club 4Heart 8Club 3, and Zavadniak turns a double-gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Stoica wins the pot with his king to eliminate Zavadniak in 41st place.

Roman Stoica  –  1,925,000  (120 bb)
Fernando Zavadniak  –  Eliminated in 41st Place  (€3,100)

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