Tomas Szwarcberg Doubles Thru Luis Gonzalez in Dramatic Fashion

May 31, 2023

Tomas Szwarcberg
Photo:  Tomas Szwarcberg explodes in celebration after the king hits the river.

Tomas Szwarcberg is all in for 590,000 with Diamond KDiamond 5, and he needs to improve to stay alive against the Diamond ASpade 8 of Luis Gonzalez on the button.

The flop comes Spade ASpade 4Spade 3, and Gonzalez takes a big lead with a pair of aces and a spade flush draw, while Szwarcberg has four outs to a gutshot straight draw.

The turn card is the Heart 5, giving Szwarcberg a pair of fives, and now he has four outs to a chop and five outs to a victory.

The river card is — the Heart K!

Szwarcberg rivers two pair, kings and fives, to win the pot and double up in chips.

Tomas Szwarcberg  –  1,230,000  (25 bb)
Luis Gonzalez  –  1,530,000  (31 bb)

Tomas Szwarcberg Doubles Up

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