Anthony Ung Spikes Another Miracle Double

May 28, 2023

Anthony Ung

Rajasekhar Puttamsetty raises to 60,000 and Hieu Quang Nguyen three-bets to 200,000 in the cutoff, which Cuong Hung Phan calls on the button. Anthony Ung jams for 470,000 in the big blind and it somehow folds back to Phan, who reluctantly calls.

Anthony Ung: Heart AHeart 8
Cuong Hung Phan: Heart 10Club 10

Ung notches up another bad beat double on the Spade 8Heart 3Club 2Spade ADiamond 2 runout.

Anthony Ung – 1,350,000
Cuong Hung Phan – 875,000
Rajasekhar Puttamsetty – 300,000
Hieu Quang Nguyen – 135,000

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