Thuc Duy Nguyen hard-bets Yuhan Liu

May 28, 2023

Under the gun Thuc Duy Nguyen and cutoff Yuhan Liu build a 250,000 pot by the turn Spade 8Spade 5Spade 4Heart 7. Liu bets 105,000, Nguyen check-raises to 300,000, Liu calls. On the river Spade 2, Nguyen leads out 600,000, Liu folds. 

Nguyen goes on to win the next hand as well. He three-bets Gia Trung Nguyen’s 120,000 bet to make it 1,150,000 G.T. Nguyen folds. 

Thuc Duy Nguyen – 3,500,000
Yuhan Liu – 670,000

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