Dan Shak Eliminated in 49th Place ($21,840)

Feb 26, 2013

Warwick Mirzikinian raises under the gun to 17,000, Dan Shak reraises from middle position to 50,000, Mirzikinian reraises to 110,000, and Shak five-bets all in for about 240,000.

Mirzikinian quickly calls with [AdAh], and Shak turns over [AcKs]. Shak will need to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Jh9c8s5d8c], and Mirzikinian wins the pot with his pocket aces to eliminate Dan Shak from the tournament.

Warwick Mirzikinian  –  735,000  (122 bb)
Dan Shak  –  Out in 49th Place ($21,840)

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