Jun Yeob Song Scores a Knockout in Setup Hand

May 27, 2023

Anthony Ung raises to 13,000 and a short stack then pushes all-in for 69,000 from the next seat. The action folds to Jun Yeob Song in the big blind and he reraises to 164,000, forcing out Ung.

The short stack tables the Spade KDiamond K and Song has that beat with the Club ASpade A.

Nothing changes with the Spade 7Club 5Diamond 3Heart JSpade 4 board and Song rakes in the pot. He faces two other big stacks and Kunal Patni, among others.

Anthony Ung – 450,000
Ta Son Tung – 430,000
Jun Yeob Song – 295,000
Kunal Patni – 175,000

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