Hand #41: David Mzareulov Eliminated in 4th Place ($413,000)

May 25, 2023

David Mzareulov EliminatdPhoto:  David Mzareulov

David Mzareulov moves all in under the gun for 5,275,000, and Bin Weng reraises from the small blind to 17,250,000. Mitch Garshofsky folds his big blind.

Mzareulov turns over Heart KHeart 8, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Weng’s Diamond 7Club 7.

The board comes Spade 7Heart 6Club 6Heart JSpade 10, and Weng flops a full house, sevens full of sixes, to eliminate Mzareulov in fourth place.

Seat 1.  Mitch Garshofsky  –  9,125,000  (18 bb)
Seat 2.  David Mzareulov  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($413,000)
Seat 4.  Sri Sangannagari  –  25,700,000  (51 bb)
Seat 5.  Bin Weng  –  79,750,000  (160 bb)

David Mzareulov Eliminatd

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