Hand #102-104: Dmitry Lineburg Doubles Through Giovanni Ursoleo

May 15, 2023

Hand #102: Sandor Mate gets a walk. 

Hand #103: Marco Niederdeppe gets a walk. 

Hand #104: Giovanni Ursoleo raises to 275,000 from the cutoff and in the big blind, Dmitry Lineburg moves all in for 2,300,000 and after using two time extensions, Ursoleo calls. 

Dmitry Lineburg: Diamond AHeart Q
Giovanni Ursoleo: Heart 6Diamond 6

The board runs out Heart 10Spade 10Diamond 10Spade ADiamond Q and Lineburg makes tens full of aces on the turn to give him the best hand and double at the expense of Ursoleo. 

Dmitry Lineburg – 4,800,000 (38 bb)
Giovanni Ursoleo – 2,400,000 (19 bb)

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