Hand #95: Szymon Bujok Eliminated in 6th Place (€20,300)

May 15, 2023

Szymon Bujok
Photo:  Szymon Bujok

HAND #95  –  Marco Niederdeppe moves all in from the button for 2,175,000, and Szymon Bujok calls all in from the big blind for about 1,150,000 with Diamond KClub Q.

Niederdeppe turns over Diamond QHeart 7, and Bujok needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

Niederdeppe says something about a “Seven from heaven,” and Bujok says, “A seven may be heaven for you, but not for me.”

The board comes Spade 10Diamond 7Diamond 4Spade 5Diamond 9, and Niederdeppe pairs his seven on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Bujok in sixth place.

Marco Niederdeppe  –  3,500,000  (28 bb)
Szymon Bujok  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  (€20,300)

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