Hand #43-48: Szymon Bujok Gets Value From Giovanni Ursoleo

May 15, 2023

Szymon Bujok
Photo: Szymon Bujok

Hand #43: Szymon Bujok raises to 155,000 from the button and Giovanni Ursoleo calls in the big blind. 

Action checks through on the Club QClub 8Heart 6 flop to the Club A turn where Ursoleo check-calls a bet of 200,000 from Bujok. 

The river peels off the Heart 3 and Ursoleo checks once more to Bujok who bets 400,000 and Ursoleo quickly calls. 

Bujok turns over Diamond ADiamond J for a pair of aces and Ursoleo tosses his hand into the muck. 

Szymon Bujok – 4,450,000 (59 bb)
Giovanni Ursoleo – 1,600,000 (21 bb)

Hand #44: Marco Niederdeppe raises to 150,000 in first position and Giovanni Ursoleo calls in the small blind. 

The flop of Spade 2Heart AHeart 7 checks through to the turn where Ursoleo checks to Niederdeppe who bets 180,000 and Ursoleo folds. 

Hand #45: Giovanni raises to 180,000 on the button and nobody calls. 

Hand #46: Dmitry Lineburg raises to 155,000 in the hijack and Tal Herzog defends his big blind. Action checks down on the Heart 6Diamond 5Diamond JClub 10Spade 4 board where Lineburg turns over Diamond AClub Q for ace-high which is good as Herzog mucks his hand. 

Hand #47: Marco Niederdeppe calls on the button and Tal Herzog calls in the small while Szymon Bujok checks his action. 

The flop of Heart JDiamond 9Diamond 3 checks through to Niederdeppe who bets 75,000 and everyone folds. 

Hand #48: Marco Niederdeppe raises to 150,000 in the cutoff and Szymon Bujok calls in the small blind. 

Action on the Club 2Spade ADiamond ASpade JDiamond 10 checks through to the river where Bujok bets 455,000 which sees Niederdeppe fold after using a time extension. 

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