Hand #6-8: Tomas Ward Doubles Up Through Szymon Bujok

May 15, 2023

Hand #6: Szymon Bujok raises to 125,000 in first position which sees action fold to Tomas Ward in the big blind who three bets to 275,000. Bujok moves all in for 345,000 effective and Ward calls to put himself at risk. 

Tomas Ward: Heart ASpade Q
Szymon Bujok: Diamond AClub J

The board runs out Spade AHeart QHeart 4Heart KHeart 5 and Ward makes the nut flush on the river to take down the pot and double through Bujok. 

Tomas Ward – 780,000 (13 bb)
Szymon Bujok – 3,925,000 (65 bb)

Hand #7: Ondrej Drozd raises to 125,000 in first position and all other players fold. 

Hand #8: Marco Niederdeppe raises to 120,000 from the hijack and everyone folds. 

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