Patrik Zidek Doubles Through Szymon Bujok

May 14, 2023

Szymon Bujok and Patrik Zidek
Photo:  Szymon Bujok (left) and Patrik Zidek

Dmitry Lineburg raises to 85,000 on the button and Szymon Bujok calls in the small blind. In the big blind, Patrik Zidek moves all in for 780,000 which folds out Lineburg and Bujok calls. 

Patrik Zidek: Heart JSpade J
Szymon Bujok: Club ADiamond J

The board runs out Spade 6Spade 5Club QHeart 6Diamond 2 and the jacks hold up for Zidek to double up through the chip leader. 

Patrik Zidek – 1,690,000 (42 bb)
Szymon Bujok – 2,400,000 (60 bb)

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