Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum Eliminated In 12th Place By Sandor Mate

May 14, 2023

Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum
Photo: Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum

Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum moves all in from late position and in the big blind Sandor Mate calls. 

Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum: Diamond JDiamond 10
Sandor Mate: Diamond KSpade 4

The board runs out Spade 9Heart 4Diamond 4Heart 10Club 7 and three fours are good for Mate to take down the pot while Tenenbaum exits the tournament in 12th place. 

Sandor Mate – 1,585,000
Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum – Eliminated 12th Place (€7,560)

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