Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum Doubles Thru Samuel Stranak

May 14, 2023

Samuel Stranak raises from the hijack to 25,000, Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum moves all in from the button for 181,000, and Stranak calls with Heart ADiamond 10. Tenenbaum turns over Spade AClub A, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JClub JHeart 10Heart 2Club Q, and Stranak pairs his ten on the flop, but improves no further. Tenenbaum wins the pot with his pocket aces to double up in chips.

Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum  –  392,000  (33 bb)
Samuel Stranak  –  1,205,000  (100 bb)

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