Lukas Hronec Doubles Thru Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum

May 13, 2023

Lukáš Hronec
Photo:  Lukáš Hronec stands up during his all in, hoping for a five that eventually comes on the river.

Yacov Zukerman limps under the gun for 3,000, and Lukáš Hronec moves all in from the hijack for 19,500. Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum reraises from the small blind to 50,000, and Zukerman folds.

Hronec turns over Diamond AClub 5, and needs to improve to stay alive against Tenenbaum’s Heart ASpade Q.

The board comes Club 9Club 7Spade 7Heart 3Spade 5, and Hronec spikes a five on the river to win the pot and double up in chips.

Lukáš Hronec  –  48,000  (16 bb)
Maoz Izhak Tenenbaum  –  370,000  (123 bb)

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