Preflop Battles Between Big Stacks: Benjamin Stiefel vs. Sebastian Ricken Van Wonterghem

May 12, 2023

Sebastian Ricken Van Wonterghem raises from the hijack to 20,000, Benjamin Stiefel reraises from the small blind to 55,000, and Van Wonterghem four-bets it to 110,000.

Stiefel thinks for a while before he folds, and Van Wonterghem takes the pot.

Sebastian Ricken Van Wonterghem  –  420,000  (105 bb)
Benjamin Stiefel  –  220,000  (55 bb)

A few minutes later, Stiefel raises under the gun to 8,000, and Van Wonterghem reraises to 22,000. Stiefel tanks for a while before he four-bets it to 62,000, and Van Wonterghem folds. Stiefel takes the pot.

Benjamin Stiefel  –  250,000  (63 bb)
Sebastian Ricken Van Wonterghem  –  395,000  (99 bb)

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