Spencer Champlin Doubles Thru Phu Vo

May 8, 2023

Spencer Champlin
Photo:  Spencer Champlin

After a flop of Diamond QHeart 9Club 9, Spencer Champlin checks from the big blind, Phu Vo bets from the hijack, and Champlin check-raises to 425,000. Vo thinks for a while before he calls.

The turn card is the Diamond 2, Champlin bets 500,000, and Vo quickly calls.

The river card is the Spade 6, Champlin moves all in for 550,000, and Vo waits for a count before he calls with Spade AHeart Q for two pair, queens and nines.

But Champlin turns over Spade JSpade 9 to win the pot with trip nines and double up in chips.

Spencer Champlin  –  3,150,000  (126 bb)
Phu Vo  –  435,000  (17 bb)

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