Easy Come Easy Go For Ray Qartomy

May 5, 2023

After four players limp into the pot, Ray Qartomy raises on the button to 7,000. All the limpers call to see a flop five ways.

The flop comes Club 6Spade JClub 10 and everyone checks to Qartomy who bets 25,000. Emmanuel Ignacio who started the preflop limpfest under the gun then check-raises all in for 120,400. Action folds back to Qartomy who calls.

Emmanuel Ignacio: Club AClub 7
Ray Qartomy: Diamond JDiamond 10

The Diamond 9 on the turn changes nothing, but the Club 4 falls on the river to score Ignacio a double-up and then some, while leaving Qartomy with less than a starting stack.

Emmanuel Ignacio – 270,000 (135 bb)
Ray Qartomy – 41,000 (20 bb)

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