Hand #157: Prasit Chowdhury Bad Beats Kiran Bondu for Big Lead

Apr 17, 2023

Prasit Chowdhury

Hand #157: Kiran Bondu opens to 800,000 on the button and Prasit Chowdhury jams all-in for 7,800,000 out of the small blind, which Bondu snap-calls.

Prasit Chowdhury: Diamond KDiamond 3
Kiran Bondu: Diamond AClub K

The incredible Club AClub 8Spade 3Heart 3Diamond 7 runout leaves Bondu speechless as Chowdhury spikes trips for a large double.

Prasit Chowdhury – 16,200,000 (54 bb)
Kiran Bondu – 1,300,000 (4 bb)

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