Hands #61-63: Thin Value for Sudheer Chowdary Against Abhinav Iyer

Apr 17, 2023

Hand #61: Prasit Chowdhury raises to 400,000 in the cutoff, no opponent comes along.

Hand #62: Abhinav Iyer raises to 400,000 first to act and fellow big stack Sudheer Chowdary defends the big blind. They check to the Spade 10Diamond 8Spade 6Club 6Club 7 river on which Chowdary bets 500,000, Iyer calls.

Chowdary is very reluctant to show his cards, then exposes Club JClub 10 and earns the pot.

Hand #63: A Walk for Iyer in the big blind.

Sudheer Chowdary – 5,900,000 (30 bb)
Abhinav Iyer – 5,700,000 (29 bb)

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