Hands #53-55: Amit Tejura Jams Successfully

Apr 17, 2023

Hand #53: Abhinav Iyer open-shoves his big stack and forces folds behind.

Hand #54: Siddharth Jolly jams for 1,750,000 on the button to take it down.

Hand #55: Amit Tejura raises to 400,000 on the button for Sudheer Chowdary to defend the big blind. Chowdary defends the big blind and check-calls a bet of 300,000 on the Diamond ASpade JHeart 3 flop. After the Spade 10 turn, Tejura jams for 1,500,000 when checked to and Chowdary folds.

Amit Tejura – 3,200,000 (16 bb)
Sudheer Chowdary – 5,200,000 (26 bb)

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