Hands #10-12: Prasit Chowdhury Gets a Fold From Deepak Singh

Apr 17, 2023

Hand #10: Abhinav Iyer raises to 250,000 from under the gun and Sudheer Chowdary defends his big blind. That leads them to the Heart JHeart 4Diamond 3 flop on which Chowdary checks and then folds to a bet of 175,000 by Iyer.

Hand #11: Chowdary limps the small blind and Iyer checks his option from the next seat. Both check through the Heart 3Heart 2Spade 2 flop and Chowdary bets the minimum on both the Spade J turn and Diamond 4 river. Iyer calls once and folds thereafter.

Hand #12: Prasit Chowdhury makes it 250,000 to go from under the gun and Deepak Singh in the big blind is the only caller. Following a Diamond 9Spade 4Club 3 flop, Singh check-calls 250,000 and that leads them to the Club 4 turn.

Singh checks again and Chowdhury’s second barrel for 400,000 wins it uncontested.

Prasit Chowdhury – 4,050,000 (32 bb)
Deepak Singh – 3,100,000 (25 bb)

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