Karan Malhotra Eliminated in 13th Place by Deepak Singh (550,000 INR)

Apr 16, 2023

Karan Malhotra

Deepak Singh opens to 160,000 and Karan Malhotra jams for 825,000 out of the big blind. The initial raiser asks for a count and then calls.

“Good call,” Malhotra sighs and knows he needs some help to stay alive.

Karan Malhotra: Heart QClub 10
Deepak Singh: Spade JHeart J

It is all but over on the Diamond JHeart 10Spade 7 flop and the Heart 3 turn makes things official, as a meaningless Diamond K river ends Malhotra’s run in 13th place.

Deepak Singh – 4,200,000 (56 bb)
Karan Malhotra – Eliminated in 13th Place (550,000 INR)

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