Harsh Bubna Spikes Turn to Double Up

Apr 16, 2023

With about 80,000 in the middle on a flop of Heart KClub 9Heart 4, Harsh Bubna moves all in from the big blind for 70,000. Alok Bhatt moves in over top from the hijack with Bubna covered and a player in late position folds to leave the pot heads-up.

Harsh Bubna: Spade KDiamond 8
Alok Bhatt: Club ADiamond A

The turn brought the Heart K, delivering a harsh beat to Bhatt with the Spade 3 on the river locking up the double for Bubna.

Harsh Bubna – 220,000 (22 bb)
Alok Bhat – 131,000 (13 bb)

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