Siddarth Singhvi Eliminates Vivek Singh

Apr 14, 2023

Siddarth Singhvi flats a late position raise to 13,000 in the small blind and Vivek Singh moves in from the big blind for over 100,000. The original raiser folds, but Singhvi makes the call to put Singh at risk.

Vivek Singh: Spade ADiamond K
Siddarth Singhvi: Heart AHeart J

Singhvi was dominated and in danger of doubling up Singh, but the board runs out Diamond QHeart 3Spade 10Club KDiamond 5, giving Singhvi an unlikely Broadway straight on the turn to eliminate Singh just short of the money, and leaving the field three away from the money and the end of the night.


Siddarth Singhvi – 335,000
Vivek Singh – eliminated

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