Hand #82: Preston Harwell Doubles Thru Quoc Pham

Mar 19, 2014

Quoc Pham_Preston Harwell_WPT Rolling Thunder S12_Giron_8JG3300

Quoc Pham raises from the button to 110,000, Preston Harwell reraises from the small blind to 350,000, and Pham reraises to 800,000.

Harwell moves all in for about 2.96 million, and Pham snap-calls with [AhKh]. Harwell turns over [JhJs], and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes [5h5s2c2d3c], and the pocket jacks hold up for Harwell to win the pot and double up in chips.

Seat 1.  Preston Harwell  –  5,990,000
Seat 2.  Mimi Luu  –  1,900,000
Seat 5.  J.C. Tran  –  4,745,000
Seat 6.  Quoc Pham  –  1,315,000

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