Hand #32: Benjamin Zamani Doubles Thru Quoc Pham

Mar 19, 2014

Benjamin Zamani _WPT Rolling Thunder S12_Giron_8JG3141 Quoc Pham raises under the gun to 90,000, Mimi Luu calls from the button, and Benjamin Zamani reraises from the small blind to 345,000. Pham calls, and Luu tanks for a while before she folds.

The flop comes [5d3c3h], Zamani bets 330,000, Pham raises to 800,000, and Zamani quickly moves all in for 1,535,000.

Pham asks for an exact count and thinks for a while before he calls with [KcQc] for king high. Zamani turns over Q-Q, and he needs it to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the [10s], the river is the [8s], and the pocket queens hold up for Zamani to win the pot and double up in chips.

Seat 1.  Preston Harwell  –  5,000,000
Seat 2.  Mimi Luu  –  1,280,000
Seat 3.  Benjamin Zamani  –  3,915,000
Seat 5.  J.C. Tran  –  1,045,000
Seat 6.  Quoc Pham  –  2,710,000

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