Vaibhav Sharma Doubles Through Paawan Bansal

Apr 13, 2023

Ankit Wadhawan raises to 3,200 and Paawan Bansal three-bets to 7,500. Vaibhav Sharma then four-bet jams for 48,700 from the very next seat on the button, forcing out Wadhawan eventually. Bansal calls and both reveal pocket pairs.

Vaibhav Sharma: Spade KClub K
Paawan Bansal: Club QHeart Q

The board runs out Spade 10Club 6Heart 2Heart 8Diamond A as Wadhawan mentions to have folded pocket tens.

Vaibhav Sharma – 101,000
Paawan Bansal – 55,000
Ankit Wadhawan – 55,000

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