Romit Advani Jams Bad, Gets There on the River

Apr 13, 2023

S21 WPT Prime India

PHOTO: Romit Advani

Abheek Nagpal raises to 2,500 in the cutoff and is three-bet to 7,000 by Romit Advani on the button. The big blind cold-calls, as does Nagpal to see a flop of Heart 9Diamond AHeart Q.

Action is checked to Advani who bets 10,000 with only Nagpal calling.

On the Spade 6 turn, Nagpal checks and Advani moves all in for about 35,000 effective. Nagpal makes the call and is well ahead despite being at risk.

Abheek Nagpal: Heart AHeart J
Romit Advani: Club ASpade 10

Nagpal is on the verge of a big double-up until the Club 10 falls on the river to give Advani one of the two outs he needed to steal the pot away from Nagpal to eliminate him.

Romit Advani – 168,000
Abheek Nagpal – eliminated

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