Ankit Taori More Than Doubles

Apr 13, 2023

Anil Adiani raises to 1,400 and faces a three-bet to 4,000, which Ankit Taori cold-calls from two seats over. That sends Adiani into a frenzy and he eventually tosses in calling chips. The Heart JDiamond 10Spade 4 flop is checked to Taori, who jams for the 10,200 he has behind.

Adiani folds and the third player in the hand calls with the Heart 10Heart 7 but Taori is ahead by virtue of kicker, as he holds the Spade 10Spade 9. The Club 2Spade 8 runout on tuzrn and river secures more than a double for Taori.

Ankit Taori – 34,000
Anil Adiani – 32,000

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