Suresh Oblash Eliminated in Three-Way All-In

Apr 13, 2023

Suresh Oblash is all-in for the last fumes and behind him, the chips go in between Pradip Ghosh and Amol Nimsarkar with the former also at risk for 21,400.

Suresh Oblash: Club QSpade J
Pradip Ghosh: Diamond KHeart K
Amol Nimsarkar: Heart QSpade Q

The board runs out Diamond 9Spade 7Club 5Diamond JHeart 7 and the superior pocket pair holds up to eliminate Oblash and put a dent into the larger stack of Nimsarkar.

Pradip Ghosh – 46,000
Amol Nimsarkar – 37,000
Suresh Oblash – Eliminated

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