Hand #198: Preston Harwell Doubles Thru J.C. Tran

Mar 19, 2014

Heads Up_Preston Harwell_J.C. Tran_WPT Rolling Thunder S12_Giron_8JG3375 J.C. Tran raises to 260,000, Preston Harwell reraises to 650,000, and Tran asks for a rough count of Harwell’s stack.

Tran moves all in, and Harwell calls all in for 2,060,000 with [AcAs]. Tran shows [5h5s], and Harwell needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes [Kc4s3h3s4c], and the pocket aces hold up for Harwell to win the pot and double up in chips.

Preston Harwell  –  4,160,000
J.C. Tran  –  9,790,000

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