Jesse Lonis Eliminated in 43rd Place by Zachary McDiarmid

Apr 3, 2023

Jesse LonisPhoto:  Jesse Lonis

Jesse Lonis moves all in from the hijack for 135,000, Zachary McDiarmid min-raises from the small blind to 255,000 with Diamond JClub J.

Lonis turns over Club AHeart 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KDiamond 3Spade 2Heart 7Club 3, and the jacks hold up for McDiarmid to win the pot and eliminate Lonis in 43rd place.

Zachary McDiarmid  –  1,215,000  (81 bb)
Jesse Lonis  –  Eliminated in 43rd Place  ($8,350)

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